Sorry I haven’t updated my blog about clouds recently, because like a cloud, I’ve been a little bit all over the place.
The past couple of weeks have been pretty hectic, but fun. I’ve been in London for a few days, visiting my sister and her family. It’s been great to see them and catch up. I’ve also been doing a lot of work on my new book, which is taking up a lot of my time. But, in between all of that, I’ve still managed to find time to look at the clouds.
And, I have to say, there have been some amazing ones lately. Yesterday, we had a few clouds in the sky, but they were nothing compared to the ones we’ve been having lately. However, this morning, the sky was absolutely covered in clouds.
It was incredible. The clouds were so thick that the sun couldn’t even penetrate them. It was like the sky was one giant cloud. It was really cool to see.
I’m not sure what the weather is going to be like over the next few days, but I’m hoping for more clouds. I just love looking at them.