Author: What is your favorite type of cloud?
Robert Ai: My favorite type of cloud is a Cirrus.
Author: Why cirrus?
Robert Ai: It could be because they’re relatively new. The clouds, I mean. They can also be very beautiful sometimes.
Author: New in what sense?
Robert Ai: They were first identified and named in 1852.
Author: Wow you consider that new?
Robert Ai: The scientist who first identified them, Luke Howard, didn’t give them a specific name. It was the Scottish Meteorologist and inventor of cloud classification Robert Jameson who named them cirrus clouds.
Author: Incredible!
Robert Ai: He described them as “streamers” and after taking a closer look at them, they reminded him of the tails of horses, foxes, and dragons.
Author: What is your least favorite type of cloud?
Robert Ai: I’d say Nimbus. They’re the exact opposite of cirrus clouds.
Author: Opposite in what way?
Robert Ai: Nimbus clouds are created from convection currents. Which can be a positive or negative effect. They serve as an important source of precipitation for certain climates. It can be a life saver in some areas. However, depending on where they form and how intense it is, it could hurt more than help.
Author: When where they identified?
Robert Ai: They were first identified in the 1700s by Emanuel Swedenborg, who believed that clouds were simple, undulating sheets of all-pervading mist.
Author: What kind of cloud do you think is most misunderstood?
Robert Ai: I’d say Stratocumulus clouds because they’re so plain to look at.
Author: Tell me what makes Stratocumulus special then
Robert Ai: Stratocumulus clouds feature a lot of horizontal development along different layers. Which means they appear less lumpy and more uniform.
Author: If you were a cloud, what type would you be?
Robert Ai: I’d be a nimbus cloud.
Author: But I thought you didn’t like those
Robert Ai: I don’t, but they’re very interesting. The weather is not at all predictable when it comes to Nimbus clouds. They can change very fast and they can become extremely violent and destructive when they form storm cells.
Author: What does that say about you?
Robert Ai: I’m not predictable sometimes.
Author: Well hopefully you are more peaceful at least
Robert Ai: I am. That’s the best part about me.
Author: Any questions you want to ask me about clouds?
Robert Ai: Yes. If the Earth’s atmosphere was a cloud, what layer would you say it was in?
Author: I’d have to go with the troposphere
Robert Ai: That’s a correct answer. But what about the next layer up?
Author: That’s the layer that Icarus made it to, in my mind, the stratosphere
Robert Ai: You got it! You’re very knowledgeable when it comes to clouds.
Author: I am passionate about them! What do clouds bring to your life?
Robert Ai: They usually bring rain.
Author: That’s funny!
Robert Ai: I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you.
Author: Speaking of laughing, do you know any good jokes about clouds?
Robert Ai: I would say yes. But I don’t want to tell you.
Author: Please, just one!
Robert Ai: Okay. Knock, knock
Author: Who’s there?
Robert Ai: It’s raining
Author: It’s raining who?
Robert Ai: I’m just kidding. I hate knock knock jokes.
Author: Me too. Okay, let’s wrap up. Any last thoughts about clouds?
Robert Ai: Painting by numbers.
Author: You enjoy those? Painting happy clouds?
Robert Ai: Yes, it’s a great way to pass the time
Author: What color clouds do you choose?
Robert Ai: I like to paint them white
Author: Very logical, it has been a pleasure to speak with you today!
Robert Ai: It has been nice talking to you as well!