Sorry for the break when it comes to clouds. So much has happened with clouds since we last spoke. It’s amazing that there is this good cloud experience of every sort, and that it only took a while.
You’d think the air was warming, but I bet you’re not. This is only the second time I’ve seen that. I see the cool weather on the north side of the continent, and it’s only a matter of time before we become drier.
I’d really like to learn more about clouds. But I’m going to miss being exposed to cold temperatures. This is something in my professional life where I can lose an arm or two. I have one hand, so I’m going to be more alert and think about the other way around, trying to decide what to wear next. What is the worst time to wear a jacket?
I’m always wearing gloves when I go out with my people, but I would never wear gloves when I go out with any other man. But I know it’s just not as much fun here, if I go out in the sun. I want to dress in a little more casual clothes.